Monday, September 30, 2019

Health care in America Essay

Healthcare in America is seemingly, chronically an issue of finances. Whether or not the hospital has it or the family of an ill patient has it, it becomes prudent to note that without the country’s currency rubbing the right palms, healthcare becomes an issue, especially for the financially strapped family. Lack of finance equals care-giver burden. Purpose of the Analysis In the following pages care-giver burden will be addressed using five peer-reviewed articles. The articles are in design stressing the issue of guilt and depression when a family decides they don’t have the time or the money to keep a loved one at home and must face putting them in a care facility (Sanders article Shouldering the Burden of Care). Other articles address the issue of keeping a family member at home (child) and the upkeep cost that entails such as home health aid cost, medications, or leaving a job (Wilson, Leslie S. et al. The Economic Burden of Home Care for Children with HIV and Other Chronic Illnesses). Also, the review of patient care for nurses and the burden of lack of authority in administration this presents is another form of care-giver burden (Welchman, Jennifer & Glenn G. Griener, Patient Advocacy and Professional Associations: Individual and Collective Responsibilities). There is also the gender role burden between husband and wife when one is sick and has to be taken care of and the other one lives a full active lifestyle and the issue here is burden of responsibility (King, K. M. & PM Koop, The Influence of the Cardiac Surgery Patient’s Sex and Age on Care-Giving). There are many facets to unravel in the primary care system but for this paper, care-giver burden is the primary concept in terms of money, guilt and love. Antecedents Most care-giving authority is given to nurses; both in a hospital setting and during stay at home cases. The preceding concept or the patient is its important to have a strong trusting relationship with the care-giver in order for them to feel more comfortable and also feel their issues and concerns are being heard. If the patient does not feel comfortable then the care-giver burden becomes apparent in scowling-unreceptive-to-therapy patients. However, in Welchman and Griener’s article, Patient Advocacy and Professional Associations, a rising concern over nurses’ burden when taking care of patients begins to be seen, â€Å"†¦nurses are being taught to be patient advocates and both nurses and patients are the worse for it. The nursing profession’s redefinition of the nurse’s role from loyal handmaid to patient advocate in the 1980s was supposed to protect patients by empowering nurses to think and act autonomously in their dealings with other health professionals. Individual nurses have been burdened with a responsibility that most professions assign†¦to their professional associations. It is not a responsibility that individuals can readily fulfill. Unless or until the duty of advocacy is taken off the shoulders of individual nurses and returned to the professional bodies that represent them, nurses and patients will continue to suffer unnecessarily†(2005). The nurses role in patient care involves everything a patient needs or may potentially need (feeding, bathing, bathroom visits, company) and each of these duties cannot be accomplished without proper support from family/administration, and without this support and the lack of performance in a nurse’s duty a patient will lapse in trust. This is the contention in the make-up of care-giver burden; nurses cannot fulfill their role to maximum potential without the backing of the hospital rules. In the area of patient care and the burden of care giving an interesting side note that should be considered is in the study done by King and Koop which involves a closer look at patient care with the influencing variables of sex and/or age. In their study they revealed that female patients relied on their spouse less than the male counterpart. Also, female care-givers were more often employed outside the home than male care-givers giving rise to a staggering believe of job importance and detachment for men in home care situations. As mentioned in the opening statement, the pivotal issue of care-giver burden is that of money. If a household is not sufficiently funded then the burden of caring for loved-ones either by oneself or with the assistance of an aid, the stress and strain is very detrimental. In Wilson et al. ’s study of patient care for ill and HIV children the stats for financing reflects a tremendous burden, â€Å".. in-home care for ill children (ranging from approximately $19,000 to $36000) is higher than that of hiring caregivers for healthy children (approximately $10,000)† (2005). This burden is further emphasized for the family if they are not equipped to pay a professional care-giver and are dependent upon themselves for such care; this issue raises the other issues of job attendance (some families pass up promotions, decline extra working hours, or quit their jobs entirely in order to care for the ill which makes the financial burden that much more potent). Further in Wilson et al. ’s study they reveal the numbers involved in American care-giver homes, â€Å"It is estimated that 10% to 18% of US children (6 to 10. 8 million children) are chronically ill. According to our cost estimates, the total value of care ranges from $155 to $279 billion per year†(2005). This number is daunting and almost in realms of infinite thought with regards to cost analysis. Consquences The burden is twofold for the nurse and the patient. As Welchman and Griener state in a final cul-de-sac, â€Å"Advocacy for improvements in access to and deliver of health care is best viewed as a collective responsibility of health professions owed to society as a whole, not as the sole province of individual practitioners†(2005). In the case of gender roles playing out in the care-giver burden the consequence is this: dependence is a potential burden to the spouse whose in need of not only assistance in daily routines (bathing, eating, etc) but in companionship. The findings of King and Koop suggest that a patient’s gender has relevance to the availability of home-based care (King & Koop, 1999). The potential cost of in home health care is a care-giver burden as well as a patient burden. The weight stressed here is not one that is easily remedied. When put into perspective the cost is much more than money but also wavers on emotional stress to the care-giver and patient when the care-giver’s stresses are known to the patient. Such stresses as highlighted above are job attendance, quitting a job, and the issue of time spent with a patient as opposed to time spent with other members of a family. As Sanders states in Shouldering the Burden of Care, in which one family is analyzed, â€Å"Faced with her mother’s inevitable decline, she wonders whether she should continue to care for her in her home. But the more important question is, can she? † (2005). Defining Attributes This is the main point of care-giver burden: when faced with a choice of sending the patient to a nursing home, or institute where they can possibly be better attended to, should the family send the patient/family member away, or should they endure? The potential for this question to raise a respite for patient care or to give into the burden of home-health care is pertinent in its prospective view of burden. The relationship between care-giver burden and money is inseparable. The high-cost measurement presented in the Wilson study harkens to the reality of facts and numbers involving patients and their estimated cost of care per year in this country, and when a job is lost or sacrificed for the benefit of the patient the new stress becomes where will the money come from for the upkeep of home health care? Empirical Referents In the area of money, and of authority it is to nurses who are the advocates of the patient in the hospital that studies should be turning. If they are allowed to be sufficient leaders then the trust between them and patient is strong. In an at home environment the dangers of lack of funds arise and the emotional stress on family members and spending time with each other (either children, wife, or husband) and the noncompliance from other family members in putting the patient/loved-one in a home can be daunting. The care-giver burden here is clear. When a family member who isn’t equipped physically or professionally to take care of the ill, then an alternative way must be found and is found with nurses, and the high cost of in-home care. Relationship The defining features of care-giver burden, that of cost, and guilt bears a close relationship to euthanasia. In both cases the issue of money, guilt and pain arise and are handled usually with the confidence of a nurse. A nurse aids a family in decision making for both in-home care or euthanasia. In the relationship between the two concepts it is the burden of the patient on the family emotionally and financially that a decision is made: to either keep them at home or send them away, to either keep them on a ventilator or pull the plug.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Merchant Of Venice

Portia is also manipulative, using silent humor as to not embarrass herself, having discussed with Inertias her displeasure in the choice of suitors, she cleverly replies, ‘Yourself, renowned prince, then stood as fair as any comer I have looked on yet for my affection. ‘ (Act 2, Scene 1, Line 20) this demonstrates the use of her words as not to cause embarrassment, whilst being honest and telling Inertias he literally that he had no chance. The language Shakespeare uses for Portia and Shylock is different, both Portia and Shylock are very formal in the way they speak.Shylock is formal in a polite way in the judgment scene out of respect, ‘your grace' (Act 4, Scene 1 Line 35). As a sign of nobility Portia is formal in the way that she speaks, mostly she uses verse in more important scenes such as the judgment scene, which further emphasizes her portrayal as a formal male character. However, Portion's language is far more informal when she speaks to Inertias ‘Y ou know I say nothing to him, for he hath neither Latin, French nor Italian' this clearly accentuates their relationship as close; Portia speaks to Inertias in prose.Shylock on the other hand speaks predominantly in prose showing his lower status, particularly in his conversation with Tuba, ‘How now, Tuba, what news from Genoa? Hast thou found my daughter? ‘ (Act 3, Scene 1, Line 71), enhancing the informality of the conversation, and also the lower social status of Shylock as a Jew and Tuba as a Christian. In contrast to the majority of the play where Shylock speaks mostly in prose, in the judgment scene Shylock starts his opening speech with verse, ‘l have possessed your grace of what I purpose†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. .. As losing suit against him.Are you answered? ‘ ( Act 4, Scene 1, Line 35-63) this indicates the formality of where they are and this particular occasion, towards the end of the judgment Shylock language changes to prose making it less formal, when h e no longer has the upper hand, ‘ take this offer then. Pay the bond thrice and let the Christian go. ‘ (Act 4, Scene 1 r Line 31 6) Portia however, maintains her style of language throughout the scene which reinforces her position and the formality of the situation they are in. In the beginning Of the scene, Shylock is very in control using lengthy paragraphs and verse.He is knowledgeable about the law, ‘If you deny me, fie upon your law: There is no force in the decrees of Venice. ‘ (Act 4, Scene 1, Line 101 ) and adamant that he will succeed in the debt being paid, ‘The pound of flesh which I demand of him is dearly bought; ‘its mine and I will have it. ‘ (Act 4, Scene 1, Line 99) However, Portia is also both very knowledgeable of the law and very cleverly using a literal interpretation of the law to undermine Shylock case ‘The bond doth give thee here no jot of blood. The words expressly are' a pound of flesh'. ‘(ACTA, Scene 1, Line 304) going on to say ‘One rope of Christian blood†¦Are by the laws of Venice confiscate. ‘ (Act 4, Scene 1, Line 308) The difference between Portia and Shylock is that Portia maintains her control. Throughout this process Shylock responses become much shorter as his confidence diminishes. By literally interpreting the words Portia manipulates Shylock to a point were he becomes submissive, ‘l pray you give me leave to go from hence; I am not well. ‘ (Act 4, Scene 3, Line 97) Portia, even she though is portraying a man still has a higher stature than Shylock even as a woman. Shylock is refereed to as ‘the Jew an insult and a means of singling IM out as a lower class of person.By calling him ‘Jew' throughout the scene the Christians are putting him in his place. By Portion's reference to Christian blood being shed as being ‘By the laws of Venice confiscate' she is indicating that Christians are more special in the eyes of the law. However, Shylock shows a similar prejudice towards Christians as they do toward Jews, by addressing Antonio as the Christian, And let the Christian go. ‘ (Act 4, Scene 1, Line 31 7) Shylock shows no mercy, at any point during this scene, even when he realizes he may not get everything he desires ‘Is that the law? Act 4, Scene 1, Line 312) he still continues to try to get the best deal he can ‘l take this offer then. ‘ (Act 4, Scene 1, Line 31 6) Portia begins to contradict herself when she appeals to Shylock with her The quality of Mercy' speech (Act 4, Scene 1, Line 182) as throughout the scene she in fact shows no mercy, ‘Soft. The Jew shall have all justice; soft, no haste; He shall have nothing but the penalty. ‘ (ACTA, Scene 1, Line 31 8) Portia then manipulates the concept of mercy, by asking the criminal what mercy he desires towards Shylock, leaving him with nothing, not even his faith. The Merchant of Venice Parent-Child Relationship Between Jessica and Shylock in The Merchant of Venice After reading The Merchant of Venice, we should ask ourselves if Shylock, who many people perceive as tragedy stricken and victimized, is in fact so hard done by after all. When it comes to family matters, I believe that Shylock is the ultimate cause behind his awful relationship with Jessica. In this play, Shakespeare portrays an old fashioned child-parent relationship in which the child feels inferior to the parent.Shylock and Jessica lack trustworthiness, care, love, and consideration for one another. Their horrible relationship, which is a huge attribute to the play, is not due to conflicting personalities as commonly believed, but rather to the fact that Shylock is a terrible father. Over the course of the novel, Shylock and Jessica have numerous disagreements on certain issues, and Shylock is too stubborn to compromise. Firstly, when it comes to issues regarding religion, the two dispute because Jes sica is ashamed to be Jewish while Shylock takes pride in it.Jessica clearly shows how upset she is to be Jewish when she says, â€Å"Alack, what heinous sin it is in me to be asham’d to be my father’s child! But though I am a daughter to his blood, I am not to his manners† (2. 3. 18). When Jessica is speaking to Launcelot, she essentially says that she would never act like she a Jew, which displays the lack of pride and hatred she has towards this â€Å"flaw† of hers. Secondly, Shylock persistently will not give Jessica any more freedom, and the ability to make her own decisions. Before the party that Shylock decides to attend, he says to Jessica: †¦ Hear you me, Jessica.Lock up my doors, and when you hear the drum and the vile squealing of the wry-necked fife, clamber not you up to the casements then, nor thrust your head into the public street, to gaze on Christian fools with varnished faces. But stop my house’s ears—I mean my caseme nts—let not the sound of shallow foppery enter my sober house (2. 5. 27-35). Shylock gives strict instructions to Jessica to lock up the house, not reveal her face to anyone outside and not participate part in the Christian activities taking place, showing his lack of trust in her and demonstrating the restriction that Jessica is under.In many novels and other literature, not only are characters able to overcome conflicting personalities but in some cases, those are the characters that compliment each other best. Therefore, Shylock is simply stubborn preventing his relationship from progressing with Jessica. Throughout the novel, it becomes apparent that Shylock values materialistic things, putting them before Jessica. Firstly, when Jessica escapes home and her well being is questionable, Shylock’s concern lies in his possessions that she had taken with her. While speaking to Tubal, Shlock says, â€Å"I would my daughter were dead at my food and the jewels in her ear! Would she were hearsed at my foot and the ducats in her coffin! †¦ The thief gone with so much, and so much to find the thief—and no satisfaction, no revenge†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (3. 1. 79-84). This shows that Shylock is a very materialistic person and considers his daughter to be of less importance than his goods. He even goes to the extent of wishing that she was dead in front of his feet so he could take all of his precious jewels back. Secondly, throughout Venice, Shylock is known as the ‘greedy money lender’ and we see him live up to his name on a few occasions.Shylock speaks to Jessica and says, â€Å"There is some ill a-brewing towards my rest, for I did dream of money bags tonight† (2. 5. 17-18). This tells us that he knows things aren’t going in his favor because he had dreamt of money bags previously and therefor he lives up to his name of being greedy and money-oriented. As a parent, Shylock should set his priorities straight and put Jessic a before material possessions and money. Shylock is uninvolved in Jessica’s life and doesn’t invest enough effort or consideration into her. Firstly, Jessica is in love with Lorenzo, a christian, but Shylock resists stubbornly.Jessica says, â€Å"O Lorenzo, if thou keep promise, I shall end this strife, become a Christian and thy loving wife† (2. 4. 18-20). Jessica is basically admitting that life with Shylock is unpleasant and if all goes according to plan, she can marry Lorenzo and leave. Shylock is restricting her from doing this. Secondly, Shylock spends too much time worrying about his own issues in the book such as interacting with Lancelot, moneylending to Bassanio as well as others, and seeing through his promise for a pound of Antonio’s flesh. In act three, we can see a segment of Shylock’s busy life when he says: I’ll have my bond; I will not hear thee speak;I’ll have my bond, and therefore speak no more I’ll not be m ade a soft and dull-eyed fool, To shake the head, relent, and sigh, and yield To Christian intercessors. Follow not! I’ll have no speaking, I will have my bond (3. 3. 12-17). This is one of many examples of Shylock seeking Antonio’s flesh intently. As a caregiver, Shylocks priorities need to be in his children but it is apparent that his time is consumed adversely. Shylock is a terrible father because he does not involve himself in Jessica’s life enough and make time for her.Wether it’s in being too busy to take interest in Jessica, persistently restricting her, cringing at the thought of his inheritance to go to her, or being extremely money orientated, Shylock is most definitely the source of the poor father-daughter relationship between himself and Jessica. At numerous points within the novel, we can see Shylock’s lack of care, acceptance, involvement, love and trust that he has in Jessica. These are all essential behavioral traits that a caregi ver and role model should have. In conclusion, Shylock is an inadequate father to Jessica and therefore, he is more of a villain than a victim. The Merchant Of Venice Portia is also manipulative, using silent humor as to not embarrass herself, having discussed with Inertias her displeasure in the choice of suitors, she cleverly replies, ‘Yourself, renowned prince, then stood as fair as any comer I have looked on yet for my affection. ‘ (Act 2, Scene 1, Line 20) this demonstrates the use of her words as not to cause embarrassment, whilst being honest and telling Inertias he literally that he had no chance. The language Shakespeare uses for Portia and Shylock is different, both Portia and Shylock are very formal in the way they speak.Shylock is formal in a polite way in the judgment scene out of respect, ‘your grace' (Act 4, Scene 1 Line 35). As a sign of nobility Portia is formal in the way that she speaks, mostly she uses verse in more important scenes such as the judgment scene, which further emphasizes her portrayal as a formal male character. However, Portion's language is far more informal when she speaks to Inertias ‘Y ou know I say nothing to him, for he hath neither Latin, French nor Italian' this clearly accentuates their relationship as close; Portia speaks to Inertias in prose.Shylock on the other hand speaks predominantly in prose showing his lower status, particularly in his conversation with Tuba, ‘How now, Tuba, what news from Genoa? Hast thou found my daughter? ‘ (Act 3, Scene 1, Line 71), enhancing the informality of the conversation, and also the lower social status of Shylock as a Jew and Tuba as a Christian. In contrast to the majority of the play where Shylock speaks mostly in prose, in the judgment scene Shylock starts his opening speech with verse, ‘l have possessed your grace of what I purpose†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. .. As losing suit against him.Are you answered? ‘ ( Act 4, Scene 1, Line 35-63) this indicates the formality of where they are and this particular occasion, towards the end of the judgment Shylock language changes to prose making it less formal, when h e no longer has the upper hand, ‘ take this offer then. Pay the bond thrice and let the Christian go. ‘ (Act 4, Scene 1 r Line 31 6) Portia however, maintains her style of language throughout the scene which reinforces her position and the formality of the situation they are in. In the beginning Of the scene, Shylock is very in control using lengthy paragraphs and verse.He is knowledgeable about the law, ‘If you deny me, fie upon your law: There is no force in the decrees of Venice. ‘ (Act 4, Scene 1, Line 101 ) and adamant that he will succeed in the debt being paid, ‘The pound of flesh which I demand of him is dearly bought; ‘its mine and I will have it. ‘ (Act 4, Scene 1, Line 99) However, Portia is also both very knowledgeable of the law and very cleverly using a literal interpretation of the law to undermine Shylock case ‘The bond doth give thee here no jot of blood. The words expressly are' a pound of flesh'. ‘(ACTA, Scene 1, Line 304) going on to say ‘One rope of Christian blood†¦Are by the laws of Venice confiscate. ‘ (Act 4, Scene 1, Line 308) The difference between Portia and Shylock is that Portia maintains her control. Throughout this process Shylock responses become much shorter as his confidence diminishes. By literally interpreting the words Portia manipulates Shylock to a point were he becomes submissive, ‘l pray you give me leave to go from hence; I am not well. ‘ (Act 4, Scene 3, Line 97) Portia, even she though is portraying a man still has a higher stature than Shylock even as a woman. Shylock is refereed to as ‘the Jew an insult and a means of singling IM out as a lower class of person.By calling him ‘Jew' throughout the scene the Christians are putting him in his place. By Portion's reference to Christian blood being shed as being ‘By the laws of Venice confiscate' she is indicating that Christians are more special in the eyes of the law. However, Shylock shows a similar prejudice towards Christians as they do toward Jews, by addressing Antonio as the Christian, And let the Christian go. ‘ (Act 4, Scene 1, Line 31 7) Shylock shows no mercy, at any point during this scene, even when he realizes he may not get everything he desires ‘Is that the law? Act 4, Scene 1, Line 312) he still continues to try to get the best deal he can ‘l take this offer then. ‘ (Act 4, Scene 1, Line 31 6) Portia begins to contradict herself when she appeals to Shylock with her The quality of Mercy' speech (Act 4, Scene 1, Line 182) as throughout the scene she in fact shows no mercy, ‘Soft. The Jew shall have all justice; soft, no haste; He shall have nothing but the penalty. ‘ (ACTA, Scene 1, Line 31 8) Portia then manipulates the concept of mercy, by asking the criminal what mercy he desires towards Shylock, leaving him with nothing, not even his faith. The Merchant of Venice How is your prescribed text made memorable through the interaction of ideas and the ways these ideas are represented? â€Å"The Merchant of Venice† by William Shakespeare contains many memorable themes. Through the use of techniques ideas are represented. These ideas are the power of money, conflict/prejudice between Jews and Christians and the role of women. The memorable ideas represented throughout the play are extremely important to â€Å"The Merchant of Venice† and is the reason why it is called a ‘problem play’. Shylock is often classed as the stereotypical miserably Jew, and some use his repetition of â€Å"Three thousand ducats† to show how his life is dominated and ruled by money. Shylock is obsessed with money this becomes clear in Act 2, Scene 8 as Solanio mimics Shylock’s anguished cries of repetition â€Å"My daughter! O my ducats! O my daughter†. In Act 3 Scene 1 as Tubal notifies Shylock of Jessica spending â€Å"fourscore ducats† in one night, Shylocks reaction supports the fact that he is obsessed with money, â€Å"I shall never see my gold again†. Christians and anti-Semitism are extremely important to â€Å"The Merchant of Venice†. Shylock who is constantly vilified and ridiculed by the Christians throughout the play portrays the Elizabethan era of which the play was written, and it is no coincidence that the heroes in the play are Christians and the villain is Jewish. The society, which is mostly Christians, degrades and ostracises the Jews because of the different ways of life and beliefs. Hence, the idea of anti-Semitism is brought into the play. Shylock is frequently called â€Å"the devil† (Lancelot 2:2) or linked with dehumanising imagery â€Å"cut-throat dog, this is evident in Act 1 Scene 3 as Shylock is in conversation with Antonio. Antonio thinks of the Jew when he calls Shylock a â€Å"misbeliever† and â€Å"spat upon his Jewish gabardine†. Consequently Shylock displays the same hatred and disrespect for Antonio as he publicly expresses that he â€Å"hates him for he is Christian†. The use of rhetorical questions is a vivid dramatic change, climaxing in his taunting lines: â€Å" Hath a dog money? In this play, we can see that religious prejudices outweigh justice. In the trial scene (4:1), the way in which they address Shylock as â€Å"the Jew† implies the hearing is unfavorable towards Shylock. Portia argues that there must be â€Å"no jot of blood†¦ in the cutting it†. Though this reasoning is flawed in the actual context, it is done to save a fellow Christian from a Jew. The Duke also tries to defend Antonio and ask Shylock to â€Å"forgive a moiety of the principal†. However, when Shylock is undone by Portia's interpretation of the law, none of them show â€Å"mercy† to the losses he suffers. He loses â€Å"one half of his good† to the state â€Å"the other half† to Lorenzo and Jessica upon his death and most significantly he loses his religion. The Christians put on a veil of â€Å"justice† by stating that â€Å"the Jew shall have all justice†. However, for the state of Venice to take away one's religion unwillingly to be christened shows that the rule of law is in fact, one-sided and does not serve justice for the Jews. Conclusively, it seems evident that prejudice prevails over justice. The role of women is also explored in the trial scene (4:1). The traditional idea of men and women has been subverted as Portia dresses as a man. Portia’s intellectual qualities are highlighted in the trial scene, where she illustrates her ability to reason with a legal approach â€Å"this bond is forfeit†. Portia also shows her wit and intellect as she comments on Bassanio’s will to sacrifice his wife to save Antonio, â€Å" your wife would give you little thanks for that, if she were by to hear you make the offer. Thus Portia can be regarded as the ideal compound of intellect and romance, who blots her copybook only once, and that is in her catlike playing with Shylock. Based on the play, Shakespeare exploits the themes of power of money; the role of women and the prejudice between Christians and Jew. These memorable ideas are represented primarily through the characters of Shylock and Portia , whom give us an accurate idea of Christians and Jews during the Elizabethan era. The Merchant of Venice Parent-Child Relationship Between Jessica and Shylock in The Merchant of Venice After reading The Merchant of Venice, we should ask ourselves if Shylock, who many people perceive as tragedy stricken and victimized, is in fact so hard done by after all. When it comes to family matters, I believe that Shylock is the ultimate cause behind his awful relationship with Jessica. In this play, Shakespeare portrays an old fashioned child-parent relationship in which the child feels inferior to the parent.Shylock and Jessica lack trustworthiness, care, love, and consideration for one another. Their horrible relationship, which is a huge attribute to the play, is not due to conflicting personalities as commonly believed, but rather to the fact that Shylock is a terrible father. Over the course of the novel, Shylock and Jessica have numerous disagreements on certain issues, and Shylock is too stubborn to compromise. Firstly, when it comes to issues regarding religion, the two dispute because Jes sica is ashamed to be Jewish while Shylock takes pride in it.Jessica clearly shows how upset she is to be Jewish when she says, â€Å"Alack, what heinous sin it is in me to be asham’d to be my father’s child! But though I am a daughter to his blood, I am not to his manners† (2. 3. 18). When Jessica is speaking to Launcelot, she essentially says that she would never act like she a Jew, which displays the lack of pride and hatred she has towards this â€Å"flaw† of hers. Secondly, Shylock persistently will not give Jessica any more freedom, and the ability to make her own decisions. Before the party that Shylock decides to attend, he says to Jessica: †¦ Hear you me, Jessica.Lock up my doors, and when you hear the drum and the vile squealing of the wry-necked fife, clamber not you up to the casements then, nor thrust your head into the public street, to gaze on Christian fools with varnished faces. But stop my house’s ears—I mean my caseme nts—let not the sound of shallow foppery enter my sober house (2. 5. 27-35). Shylock gives strict instructions to Jessica to lock up the house, not reveal her face to anyone outside and not participate part in the Christian activities taking place, showing his lack of trust in her and demonstrating the restriction that Jessica is under.In many novels and other literature, not only are characters able to overcome conflicting personalities but in some cases, those are the characters that compliment each other best. Therefore, Shylock is simply stubborn preventing his relationship from progressing with Jessica. Throughout the novel, it becomes apparent that Shylock values materialistic things, putting them before Jessica. Firstly, when Jessica escapes home and her well being is questionable, Shylock’s concern lies in his possessions that she had taken with her. While speaking to Tubal, Shlock says, â€Å"I would my daughter were dead at my food and the jewels in her ear! Would she were hearsed at my foot and the ducats in her coffin! †¦ The thief gone with so much, and so much to find the thief—and no satisfaction, no revenge†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (3. 1. 79-84). This shows that Shylock is a very materialistic person and considers his daughter to be of less importance than his goods. He even goes to the extent of wishing that she was dead in front of his feet so he could take all of his precious jewels back. Secondly, throughout Venice, Shylock is known as the ‘greedy money lender’ and we see him live up to his name on a few occasions.Shylock speaks to Jessica and says, â€Å"There is some ill a-brewing towards my rest, for I did dream of money bags tonight† (2. 5. 17-18). This tells us that he knows things aren’t going in his favor because he had dreamt of money bags previously and therefor he lives up to his name of being greedy and money-oriented. As a parent, Shylock should set his priorities straight and put Jessic a before material possessions and money. Shylock is uninvolved in Jessica’s life and doesn’t invest enough effort or consideration into her. Firstly, Jessica is in love with Lorenzo, a christian, but Shylock resists stubbornly.Jessica says, â€Å"O Lorenzo, if thou keep promise, I shall end this strife, become a Christian and thy loving wife† (2. 4. 18-20). Jessica is basically admitting that life with Shylock is unpleasant and if all goes according to plan, she can marry Lorenzo and leave. Shylock is restricting her from doing this. Secondly, Shylock spends too much time worrying about his own issues in the book such as interacting with Lancelot, moneylending to Bassanio as well as others, and seeing through his promise for a pound of Antonio’s flesh. In act three, we can see a segment of Shylock’s busy life when he says: I’ll have my bond; I will not hear thee speak;I’ll have my bond, and therefore speak no more I’ll not be m ade a soft and dull-eyed fool, To shake the head, relent, and sigh, and yield To Christian intercessors. Follow not! I’ll have no speaking, I will have my bond (3. 3. 12-17). This is one of many examples of Shylock seeking Antonio’s flesh intently. As a caregiver, Shylocks priorities need to be in his children but it is apparent that his time is consumed adversely. Shylock is a terrible father because he does not involve himself in Jessica’s life enough and make time for her.Wether it’s in being too busy to take interest in Jessica, persistently restricting her, cringing at the thought of his inheritance to go to her, or being extremely money orientated, Shylock is most definitely the source of the poor father-daughter relationship between himself and Jessica. At numerous points within the novel, we can see Shylock’s lack of care, acceptance, involvement, love and trust that he has in Jessica. These are all essential behavioral traits that a caregi ver and role model should have. In conclusion, Shylock is an inadequate father to Jessica and therefore, he is more of a villain than a victim. The Merchant of Venice How is your prescribed text made memorable through the interaction of ideas and the ways these ideas are represented? â€Å"The Merchant of Venice† by William Shakespeare contains many memorable themes. Through the use of techniques ideas are represented. These ideas are the power of money, conflict/prejudice between Jews and Christians and the role of women. The memorable ideas represented throughout the play are extremely important to â€Å"The Merchant of Venice† and is the reason why it is called a ‘problem play’. Shylock is often classed as the stereotypical miserably Jew, and some use his repetition of â€Å"Three thousand ducats† to show how his life is dominated and ruled by money. Shylock is obsessed with money this becomes clear in Act 2, Scene 8 as Solanio mimics Shylock’s anguished cries of repetition â€Å"My daughter! O my ducats! O my daughter†. In Act 3 Scene 1 as Tubal notifies Shylock of Jessica spending â€Å"fourscore ducats† in one night, Shylocks reaction supports the fact that he is obsessed with money, â€Å"I shall never see my gold again†. Christians and anti-Semitism are extremely important to â€Å"The Merchant of Venice†. Shylock who is constantly vilified and ridiculed by the Christians throughout the play portrays the Elizabethan era of which the play was written, and it is no coincidence that the heroes in the play are Christians and the villain is Jewish. The society, which is mostly Christians, degrades and ostracises the Jews because of the different ways of life and beliefs. Hence, the idea of anti-Semitism is brought into the play. Shylock is frequently called â€Å"the devil† (Lancelot 2:2) or linked with dehumanising imagery â€Å"cut-throat dog, this is evident in Act 1 Scene 3 as Shylock is in conversation with Antonio. Antonio thinks of the Jew when he calls Shylock a â€Å"misbeliever† and â€Å"spat upon his Jewish gabardine†. Consequently Shylock displays the same hatred and disrespect for Antonio as he publicly expresses that he â€Å"hates him for he is Christian†. The use of rhetorical questions is a vivid dramatic change, climaxing in his taunting lines: â€Å" Hath a dog money? In this play, we can see that religious prejudices outweigh justice. In the trial scene (4:1), the way in which they address Shylock as â€Å"the Jew† implies the hearing is unfavorable towards Shylock. Portia argues that there must be â€Å"no jot of blood†¦ in the cutting it†. Though this reasoning is flawed in the actual context, it is done to save a fellow Christian from a Jew. The Duke also tries to defend Antonio and ask Shylock to â€Å"forgive a moiety of the principal†. However, when Shylock is undone by Portia's interpretation of the law, none of them show â€Å"mercy† to the losses he suffers. He loses â€Å"one half of his good† to the state â€Å"the other half† to Lorenzo and Jessica upon his death and most significantly he loses his religion. The Christians put on a veil of â€Å"justice† by stating that â€Å"the Jew shall have all justice†. However, for the state of Venice to take away one's religion unwillingly to be christened shows that the rule of law is in fact, one-sided and does not serve justice for the Jews. Conclusively, it seems evident that prejudice prevails over justice. The role of women is also explored in the trial scene (4:1). The traditional idea of men and women has been subverted as Portia dresses as a man. Portia’s intellectual qualities are highlighted in the trial scene, where she illustrates her ability to reason with a legal approach â€Å"this bond is forfeit†. Portia also shows her wit and intellect as she comments on Bassanio’s will to sacrifice his wife to save Antonio, â€Å" your wife would give you little thanks for that, if she were by to hear you make the offer. Thus Portia can be regarded as the ideal compound of intellect and romance, who blots her copybook only once, and that is in her catlike playing with Shylock. Based on the play, Shakespeare exploits the themes of power of money; the role of women and the prejudice between Christians and Jew. These memorable ideas are represented primarily through the characters of Shylock and Portia , whom give us an accurate idea of Christians and Jews during the Elizabethan era. The Merchant Of Venice Portia is also manipulative, using silent humor as to not embarrass herself, having discussed with Inertias her displeasure in the choice of suitors, she cleverly replies, ‘Yourself, renowned prince, then stood as fair as any comer I have looked on yet for my affection. ‘ (Act 2, Scene 1, Line 20) this demonstrates the use of her words as not to cause embarrassment, whilst being honest and telling Inertias he literally that he had no chance. The language Shakespeare uses for Portia and Shylock is different, both Portia and Shylock are very formal in the way they speak.Shylock is formal in a polite way in the judgment scene out of respect, ‘your grace' (Act 4, Scene 1 Line 35). As a sign of nobility Portia is formal in the way that she speaks, mostly she uses verse in more important scenes such as the judgment scene, which further emphasizes her portrayal as a formal male character. However, Portion's language is far more informal when she speaks to Inertias ‘Y ou know I say nothing to him, for he hath neither Latin, French nor Italian' this clearly accentuates their relationship as close; Portia speaks to Inertias in prose.Shylock on the other hand speaks predominantly in prose showing his lower status, particularly in his conversation with Tuba, ‘How now, Tuba, what news from Genoa? Hast thou found my daughter? ‘ (Act 3, Scene 1, Line 71), enhancing the informality of the conversation, and also the lower social status of Shylock as a Jew and Tuba as a Christian. In contrast to the majority of the play where Shylock speaks mostly in prose, in the judgment scene Shylock starts his opening speech with verse, ‘l have possessed your grace of what I purpose†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. .. As losing suit against him.Are you answered? ‘ ( Act 4, Scene 1, Line 35-63) this indicates the formality of where they are and this particular occasion, towards the end of the judgment Shylock language changes to prose making it less formal, when h e no longer has the upper hand, ‘ take this offer then. Pay the bond thrice and let the Christian go. ‘ (Act 4, Scene 1 r Line 31 6) Portia however, maintains her style of language throughout the scene which reinforces her position and the formality of the situation they are in. In the beginning Of the scene, Shylock is very in control using lengthy paragraphs and verse.He is knowledgeable about the law, ‘If you deny me, fie upon your law: There is no force in the decrees of Venice. ‘ (Act 4, Scene 1, Line 101 ) and adamant that he will succeed in the debt being paid, ‘The pound of flesh which I demand of him is dearly bought; ‘its mine and I will have it. ‘ (Act 4, Scene 1, Line 99) However, Portia is also both very knowledgeable of the law and very cleverly using a literal interpretation of the law to undermine Shylock case ‘The bond doth give thee here no jot of blood. The words expressly are' a pound of flesh'. ‘(ACTA, Scene 1, Line 304) going on to say ‘One rope of Christian blood†¦Are by the laws of Venice confiscate. ‘ (Act 4, Scene 1, Line 308) The difference between Portia and Shylock is that Portia maintains her control. Throughout this process Shylock responses become much shorter as his confidence diminishes. By literally interpreting the words Portia manipulates Shylock to a point were he becomes submissive, ‘l pray you give me leave to go from hence; I am not well. ‘ (Act 4, Scene 3, Line 97) Portia, even she though is portraying a man still has a higher stature than Shylock even as a woman. Shylock is refereed to as ‘the Jew an insult and a means of singling IM out as a lower class of person.By calling him ‘Jew' throughout the scene the Christians are putting him in his place. By Portion's reference to Christian blood being shed as being ‘By the laws of Venice confiscate' she is indicating that Christians are more special in the eyes of the law. However, Shylock shows a similar prejudice towards Christians as they do toward Jews, by addressing Antonio as the Christian, And let the Christian go. ‘ (Act 4, Scene 1, Line 31 7) Shylock shows no mercy, at any point during this scene, even when he realizes he may not get everything he desires ‘Is that the law? Act 4, Scene 1, Line 312) he still continues to try to get the best deal he can ‘l take this offer then. ‘ (Act 4, Scene 1, Line 31 6) Portia begins to contradict herself when she appeals to Shylock with her The quality of Mercy' speech (Act 4, Scene 1, Line 182) as throughout the scene she in fact shows no mercy, ‘Soft. The Jew shall have all justice; soft, no haste; He shall have nothing but the penalty. ‘ (ACTA, Scene 1, Line 31 8) Portia then manipulates the concept of mercy, by asking the criminal what mercy he desires towards Shylock, leaving him with nothing, not even his faith.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Internet social networking's effects on teenager's social lives Essay

Internet social networking's effects on teenager's social lives - Essay Example Such sites allow the members to socialize with their friends by adding them to their profile, sending them messages and commenting on their statuses displayed on the pages of their profiles. Social networking sites most commonly in use today are Facebook and Twitter. Most teenagers necessarily visit these websites several times in a day all over the world. According to a recent research generated by the Pew Internet Project, as many as 93 per cent of the teenagers in America between the age of 12 years and 17 years are regular users of the internet, and 55 per cent of such teenagers spends most of the time using social networking websites (Hall). Social networking sites cause a lot of troubles in the life of teenagers. As a result of the expanded social circle because of internet social networking, teenagers are prone to fall in the hands of pedophiles and kidnappers. Internet social networking increases the interaction of a teenager with others. In fact, many studies have found the social networks of internet using teenagers to be much larger than others that do not use the internet. Not only their social circle increases, but also the way they communicate changes. Nowadays, many teenagers can be heard speaking to one another in slang. The time that teenagers spend socializing with others in the virtual world is no less effective than the real world for building relationships and socializing with others. ... The predators can easily project themselves as teenagers. This allows them to draw the teenagers into harmful activities in the real world along with the virtual world. They send messages to the teenagers via these websites. Many teenagers respond to them. The predators may use social networking sites to drive the teenagers into the business of drug dealing or child pornography. Drug smuggling, prostitution, and cyber terrorism are the common results of crimes conducted through net. The privacy control is also an important feature of most of the social networking sites, but not many teenagers are prudent enough in their use of the internet to use the privacy control. Besides, not many predators get caught by the monitoring of profiles. Identity theft is one of the biggest risks of social networking through websites, that exposes teenagers to the risk of abduction. Teenagers tend to display their personal pictures on their profiles and display their contact numbers, house numbers, and other necessary information that is required by the kidnappers. There are many causes of such a massive display of personal information on the websites. First, children tend to display their complete and accurate information so that it would be easier for their old and lost friends to access them online. Secondly, many teenagers tend to display information to show off that they are living in a particular city or studying at a popular college or school or have joined some famous club in the town. There are many other causes as well. Social networking sites are an excellent source of information regarding any individual as well as his/her family for the kidnappers. In the recent years, a lot of people have been kidnapped all over the world. Teenager boys may be

Friday, September 27, 2019

Novel Mobile devices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Novel Mobile devices - Essay Example Quite frequently, new designs come with newer properties and better usability that outshine the former models. For example, data was originally carried in floppy discs. Later, USBs drove floppy discs out of the market and people opted for USBs instead of floppy discs. Then there were USBs of different memory. As the time passed, USBs with even smaller size with greater memory were developed. According to Strategic Analysis, â€Å"A range of new embedded consumer electronics devices is set to create a market of 10 crore installed devices for wireless operators in the United States by 2014† (Clarke). All of these devices will be mobile and novel. Image of a novel mobile device ( How do they work? Novel mobile devices allow the user to take them from one place to another with minimum inconvenience. As they are mobile, so they are portable. They usually allow the user to attach them to multiple devices. For example, a memory card can be used in mobile phones, digita l cameras, television sets and laptops. How do they help people? They facilitate the work in that they are carried by user as required. Their help and usability can be estimated from the fact that communication has been enhanced with the introduction of mobile phones into the market.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Learning how to learn Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Learning how to learn - Essay Example When tasked with an assignment, the best way to tackle it is to identify a second party and share with them ideas regarding a particular task (Tucker and Singleton, 72). This approach to earning develops a strong mind and based on the creativity; I will be in a capacity to write a brief outline of how I will answer any forthcoming questions. From the response of my partner, I will be able to identify the proper structure of my ideas and organize them into a flowing document. As an auditory learner, this opportunity should be taken to discuss the subject matter or the documents that I am reading with other individuals (Walling, 103). Such an interactive process opens up arguments that lead to in depth analysis of the matter. At times, as a learner it is important to read certain educational material. The best way to internalize such material is to read out aloud the various topics on which I am focusing (Simon, 29). By reading aloud, it is easier to identify confusing sentences, common grammar mistakes and any other editing mistakes that may have been difficult to notice. During class sessions, lectures can be recorder for more in-depth understanding later on when at home. Instead of buying hard copy books, it would be better to get audio books and to note down the important ideas covered in a

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Strategic Position of Starbucks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Strategic Position of Starbucks - Essay Example It also includes the effect of the external market drivers on the organization and how the company has designed it the marketing strategy to ensure its long-term sustainability. Starbucks’ core competency is based on the premium positioning of its product line. The company focuses on delivering high-quality coffee beverages and snacks which includes cakes and other bakery products. Thus the company not only focuses on providing a good quality product but it also focuses on providing a unique experience to the customers. Offering a unique experience ensure the customers’ return. Starbuck’s competencies also include establishing a strong and close relationship with its suppliers. This, as a result, has helped the company to make overseas expansion and make certain strategic acquisitions. The Porters generic strategy shows how the company has devised its marketing strategy in order to stay ahead of its competition. The parent brand Starbucks is positioned in the ‘Differentiation Strategy’ because it offers high-quality speciality coffee products along with a unique experience of the store’s ambience (Pretorius, 2008). This differentiating factor distinguishes the company from its rivals. The newly introduced brand by Starbuck called VIA offers instant coffee to the customers. Thus VIA is categorized under the Cost leadership and Differentiation category (Lee, 2012). Even though VIA acts as a low-cost alternative to premium Starbucks coffee, it still differentiates itself from its rivals owing to the brand valuation of the company. The company also offers gifts and brewing items, which falls under the focused differentiation category, because these products are aimed towards the genuine coffee lovers (Lee, 2012). The likelihood of success of a firm can be assessed by the Bowman’s strategy clock. According to Faulkner and Bowman (1995), this model assesses a company’s current position and direction of progress based on eight categories.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Rationalism empiricism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Rationalism empiricism - Assignment Example The thesis differs with the different variables for, S. The difference between innate knowledge and intuition and deduction thesis comes in on how this knowledge prior to experience is under acquisition. The innate knowledge theory offers that the knowledge is due to rational nature while the intuition and deduction theory argues on basis of subsequent deductive reasoning. This thesis states that some concepts are not from experience. It argues that although an experience may trigger a process by which an action is brought to consciousness, the experience will not determine the information within them. Descartes argues that in order for true knowledge one has to have certainty, and certainty of the external world is not what one can prove through empirical methods, while Leibniz argues that the knowledge of some particular world truths appeals to what we know rather than the nature of knowledge therefore this knowledge is from intuition and deduction. In relations of ideas, Hume argues that this is the confirmation which is either demonstratively or intuitively certain and this is where geometry, algebra and arithmetic lie, while in ‘matters of fact’, their certainty is not true through evidence and a contrary would exist but it would never contradict the matter of fact. The mathematical knowledge seems to be about something bigger than the knowledge in people, the knowledge of moral judgment determines how we ought to behave and the verification principle fails because it has a cognitive meeting. 3) The argument Markie describes as ‘the kind of reasoning that has caused many philosophers to adopt some form of Innate Knowledge Thesis.† (pg. 18). This is the one where plato argues that the knowledge is part of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Manage Financial Operations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Manage Financial Operations - Essay Example The manager must be aware of the citizenship status of the employees that are hired. The government now imposes fines to companies that hired illegal immigrants. The general manager in the hospitality industry manages the day to day operations of the company. The person oversees the entire work staff. His job entails monitoring the performance of the entire business. A good general manager uses performance metrics such as vacancy rate to determine if the firm is achieving the desired profitability levels. Customer service is a very important factor that affects the ability of the business to retain its customers. There is a ranking for hotels called the five star system that evaluates hotel to provide them with a star ranking. Five star hotels can charge a premium price for their services. The mechanism represents a quality assurance mechanism that also provides goodwill to the brand name of the company. The owner of a business enjoys the benefits of the yearly profits of the firm. The owner does not oversee operations, but their advice and approval is needed for major strategic decisions. In public corporations the common stockholders are the owners of the property. They participate in the profits the company earns when the business entity declares dividends. Common statements vote a few times a year on major business decision through a proxy mechanism. The owners of corporation do not have any personal liability if the company goes bankrupt as far as having to pay for corporate debt. The financial controllers oversee the work of the accounting and finance departments. The work performed by internal accountant includes paying payroll, making purchases, paying bills and other obligations, and creation of financial statement among other things. These professionals have to make sure the company accounting records comply with the general accepted accounting principles (GAAP). It is important to document all financial transaction and keep accurate accounting

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Can a Coffee Shop Brand Developed in Kuwait Become Significant in the Dissertation

Can a Coffee Shop Brand Developed in Kuwait Become Significant in the Global Market - Dissertation Example The food and beverage industry is a major contributor towards growth in all the economies and has witnessed a high and consistent growth rate. The industry is expected to generate CAGR of 3.5% to about $7trillion USD by the year end 2014. With respect to structure of the industry it is highly fragmented and the top market players such as Nestle, Unilever, Kraft and others accounts for only 5% of the total value. The economic downturn also had an adverse impact on industries including the food and beverage industry (IMAP, 2010, p. 4). ... Although the coffee shops have been suffering a setback, but the growth in speciality coffee has resulted mainly from three areas which includes home consumption derived from coffee machines which available to the consumers, new product targeting the young generation and through Quick service cafes or restaurants which serves coffee beverages like lattes and cappuccino attracting the young customers. This trend is being accelerated in the current global coffee market giving rise to high number of coffee outlets selling coffee beverages (Guyer, 2009). For the dissertation â€Å"Kings Coffee Co† is chosen which plans to expand its coffee business in the UK market. Kings Coffee Co is a private organisation and can be categorised under coffee both roasted and green and is located in Safat in Kuwait. The coffee shop has been doing well in Kuwait and plans to expand its business and adopt the internationalisation mode of strategy. Before a brand expand itself into foreign countries it is necessary to evaluate the opportunities in the desired target market and the future opportunities. Thus in order to analyse the future opportunity, the UK coffee market has been analysed to determine growth rate of coffee business and establishment of Kuwait coffee brands in the UK coffee market. Kuwait Coffee Market In Asia, particularly Kuwait, which is predominantly inhabited by Arabs, many are fond of coffee and as a result it is possible that a coffee shop built and developed in Kuwait can flourish with ease. In addition, the growing technological market can help in the growth of the coffee shops globally as many can view its profile online and eventually visit the place and feel part of the achievement. This project proposal tries

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Sex Education in Public Schools Essay Example for Free

Sex Education in Public Schools Essay Sex education should be taught in public middle schools because: it decreases the chance of sexual diseases and teenage pregnancies, it is needed in case of a parents’ absence or neglect, and it also provides more knowledge about how sex works while debunking the myths surrounding sexual intercourse, and it makes some want to set goals for relationships. People say sex education encourages youth to engage in sexual activities rather than preventing sex. This is true; however, studies show that when youth are taught about sexual education, they are more likely to make better decisions. Sexual education should be taught in middle school because it is around this time that youth become sexually aware. Teaching them in middle school will better prepare them for the peer pressures and temptations that they will encounter in high school. I mean, how do we say that it is OK for schools to teach our children about math, science, history, and numerous other subjects, yet get high and mighty with righteous indignation when biology is taken a step further to focus on sex? Most students reach puberty around middle school ages, it is important to give them a solid base for them to make smart decisions before they become sexually active. Preparing them to make better decisions will lower STD and teen pregnancy rates. Whether its safe sex practices or even abstinence, all of these issues must be dealt with in an educational setting, because when we look at teen pregnancy rates, sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS, it only makes sense to have as much education as possible. This allows them to make more informed choices about engaging in sexual intercourse. The youth do not always consider the consequences of having sex, but with well educated instructors informing them, they can learn the dangers that come with having sex. If someone has no prior information about STD’s and they engage in sexual intercourse, they not only put themselves at risk but their partner is also at risk. The education provided by this program will help students be more aware of life threatening and life changing risks. Some say that the education of sex invokes students to engage in sex. However, stats say otherwise. Research shows that in a survey conducted, only about seventeen percent of the respondents answered that sex education encourages them to do â€Å"it† and the remaining eighty-three percent strongly disagreed. Sex education isn’t encouraging students to have intercourse, but rather it is teaching them how to stay safe. Should kids their age be having sex? No. However, kids are kids. They will do as they please. By teaching them safely to â€Å"do it† they will at least avoid any unnecessary risks involved in making such a grown-up and mature decision. Because many view sex as a taboo outside of marriage, they do not wish for it to be taught at all, especially to youth. However as I have stated before sex education does not encourage people to have sex but make better decisions when the time does come. Regardless of personal beliefs it is important that they understand the risks and benefits of sex. If the parents believe that the child should abstain from sex then this gives them a chance to talk about it with their child and why they believe so. Another important point to consider is the youth who do not have a particular adult to confide and ask about these feelings and urges they are experiencing. Parents do not talk about this subject to their children because either they are too busy with their daily life, don’t know how to talk about it, or they may feel uncomfortable. Therefore, sex education should be taught to them so that they would learn it from an educated and responsible adult instead of learning it from the media or their friends. Students aren’t getting the information that they need from the right places. Talking to friends or learning from social media is not the best way to learn about important topics such as sex. Many students don’t know how to prevent catching an STD because the information is not available in school. There will always be peers who will badly influence others. That is why sex education should be implemented in schools so the youth have a reliable non-biased adult to guide them into their own adulthood and are not just basing it off misconceptions. Myths and misconceptions play a big role in why youth engage in sex without considering the effects it can have. Many believe sex is an all access enjoyment activity because of the influence from outside sources like music, movies, and television. However, I state again, that with proper knowledge from both the pros and cons of engaging in sexual activity better choices can be made that will potentially save lives of many young people today and saving them the embarrassment of contracting an STD. When talking about sex, students are often embarrassed to open up about how they feel about it or what they know about it. Some adults say sex is a personal topic and should only be discussed with close family or close friends, therefore eliminates a class for sex education. Kids nowadays feel that to be a virgin is â€Å"not cool. † If you haven’t had sex by the time you are a sophomore, and if people find out about it, you lose popularity. However, what we need to emphasize is that being safe is more important than being popular. Some say that we should not teach sex education, but we should teach abstinence. Abstinence is such an unreasonable thing to teach kids. It’s just not going to happen. Too many people live in denial about their children having sex. People are crazy if they want to encourage parents to opt out of sex education and making it more about abstinence and nothing else. Why can’t both take place? Abstinence is definitely the safest of all safe sex measures, but there is also a point where we have to accept reality. If you were to talk to teachers and administrators, they will tell you that students as young as middle school are engaging in oral sex. Most say that oral sex isn’t really sex. However, anyone with half a brain knows that to be the case. In conclusion, if sex education was taught in public middle schools, these situations could be prevented. The teen pregnancy rates would be lowered along with the STD rates. Students would be provided with the information they need to prevent getting an STD or getting pregnant at such a young age. They would also learn about many different places they can turn to for information or help with any situation they got themselves into. If sex education was being taught, they could open up to their parents about it and receive information from someone they know and are comfortable talking to. I think the school board should put sex education into public middle schools so the students have the information available to them and to prevent higher pregnancy and STD rates.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Graphic Enhancing Tools and Techniques

Graphic Enhancing Tools and Techniques Task 10 D1 Evaluate the tools and techniques used to enhance your original graphic. I used the program Illustrator in the creation of my original Adventurer logo because it was a good software for creating simple shapes which allowed me to utilise the full functions of what it was able to do. I also picked the software because of the fact that it allows for many ways to align and move around pieces of shapes to make the perfect shape for the logo. The software was mainly made to create simple shapes and merge them together to create a graphic, due to this it helped me create a logo which truly resembled something that would be for a big/famous gaming business or for a gaming company such as Adventurer. When making this logo I had many constraints, such as the problem of the software not being very  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   user friendly. It was a lot of hard work trying to learn all the ins and outs of the software, not knowing anything about it. When trying to use the software for the first time everything was jumbled up and confusing, when trying to find a tool to do a certain function all I found was something that did the exact opposite and worse than other software that I had previously used. The biggest limitation the software is the fact that its hard to make anything that isnt a shape or cartoon logo, such as drawing actual shapes or creating cartoony pictures with specific premade lines. When using the software the program limited me in the way that allowed me to place a shape, however it did not allow you to cut or clear pieces of the shape to get a specific size of shape, making it a lot harder to make something to pixel perfection. One time I was able to create a perfect shield however, when trying to cut a small bit off I had to resort to placing an invisible white shape to cover up the piece of line that was not cut-able. There were also limitations to what could be made, due to the game being a 15 age rated game, stopping me from going overboard with anything and trying to make it more friendly for the selected (15 and above) audience to also appreciate what we have created. I also had problems as we where limited to what software were preinstalled onto the computer to use, stopping us from using any other non preloaded software. When co-operating with the client I had to make sure that I received user feedback and produced it to the clients needs, by keeping to a corporate style, using file formats that are compatible with their software and keeping a way of allowing them to download and access the files for review at all times. The software moulded the idea of using the line tool to shape out the base and structure of my shape, allowing for a freeform and complete way of editing and bending the line to my will. Due to the way the shape turned out which was being based on a shield and sword allowed me to fill the requirements of a family friendly logo that looked good and made sence on the leaflet I was designing. I had to use techniques that enabled the graphic to be appropriate for inclusion in the leaflet, such as, having to make the leaflet extreamly clear and making it appeal to other people that were to see and look at the new games that are being devoloped. I tried to focus on making the logo being very detailed and rich with information about what the game would be by just looking at the logo itself, when looking at the logo you can see a sword and shield which is normally very common in Adventure or fighting games. Because the logo is created for the company Adventurer the copyright belongs to them, it is also because there is no use of other peoples content in the making and production of the logo. When creating the image I used three major tools, such as the line tool, which allowed me to create lines and edit them to make the shape into what looked like a shield. When doing this I was able to create more of a shape that was usable in making a completely new shape that was not supplied via the program. The square shape tool allowed me to create a base around the Adventurer logo that eventully led to me being able to cut off unwanted pieces of line by turning the square invisible. When doing this I had the problem of it clipping or dipping other shapes but was able to fix it when it was being printed. The align function was also helpful, it allowed full free roam of placing and adding layers without much trouble. It helped with aligning different shapes to make it more of a collection of shapes rather then a mess of shapes in different positions. It also easily linked together two layers that needed to be pixel perfect. All of these functions where very important to the creation of the logo, each having a different part and function when needing to piece together the shapes. Enhanced Graphic Evaluation I added a shape using the shape tool, then I have stretched out the square using the resize tool to cover the whole image, creating a sort of barrier. I have then changed the colour to yellow to match the triangles in the middle and rotated it using the rotating function so that they link together in a more colourful way and made sure any other layers remained in the background and away from the main layer. In this image I have erased the tip of the sword using the Paint Brush tool with the white colour to make the layers link together better, and by doing this I was able to make the blade look more shiny with the holster. I made sure to have the actual logo inside the box of the shape so it would not accidently overlap or overshadow any shapes already places onto it. In this step I changed the shape by deleting a section out of it using the Paint Brush tool and selection of the white paint, this allows for a new kind of pattern that looks like a futureistic forcefield blocking any danger that may fall onto it. The white paint brush also immitates a kind of rubber that I can use to blend together a layer and shape. Within this I also planned it so that I was not accidently deleting anything else along with the already placed layers. I added two lines to the top that look like chains using the Paint Brush tool and then changing the stroke type, this created a old map road path type of style or a chain from a neckless. I placed a two strokes down for each side making sure to line them up with yellow shape shield that I had placed from the last step making it line up almost perfectly with each side of the shape. For my final step I used the eraser tool and then made the outline change to a yellow paint, making it so that when I deleted something that had already been placed it would be removed and then the rubber would add outline from what it deleted which allowed for a pattern to emerge. After doing it to each side of the shape, I was able to delete some of the shield and then redraw it with the rubber making it look more unique then it did without it. The file that I created ended up being a vector image because it was created and edited within a vector package Illustrator so that it would keep its quality and size while it gets resized. The finished logo was a PNG-24 and is 59.KB with the resoultion 595842, while the Illustrator file was 1.19MB large.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Freebasing on fight club Essay -- Film Review, Fincher

According to psychotherapist Isaac Marks, behavioral addictions involve, â€Å"routines of dysfunctional and purposeful behavior,† (10.4: 28). All humans engage in some form of addictive activities whether it gambling, eating disorders, hyper-sexuality, or even nervous tics. The severity of such addictions is founded in Freudian ideals of parenting and early childhood development. Addictions, whether chemical or behavioral, can consume one’s life when left unchecked. The cycle of addiction begins at first exposure and continues through until the addict dies or is rehabilitated. The film Fight Club, directed by David Fincher, is a representation of the cycle of addiction. Jack begins his cycle of addiction by trying to fill a void in his life. The world Jack lives in as well as the life he has created has no value or purpose. Jack works as a recall coordinator and his life is reduced to trips across the country to evaluate the cost benefit ratio of recalling malfunctioning cars while living out of suitcases. When at home Jack fills his prefabricated apartment with worthless mass produced IKEA furniture. Additionally, Jack suffers from insomnia and states that his lack of sleep makes him feel like â€Å"a copy of a copy of a copy,† (Fincher 1999). The sum of these emotions culminates in Jack feeling that his life is missing something. Psychotherapist Jason Ward writes in the Healthcare Counseling & Psychotherapy Journal that â€Å"the main features of addiction are obsession and compulsion, focused around an object or behaviour which, it is believed, will somehow bring transformation of the person's inner world,† (10.4: 25). Addict s are looking for something to make them feel whole, secure, or safe and Jack is no exception (10.4: 26).... ...hands is metaphoric of Jack tearing down the impediments of his addiction and thus the destruction of his self-hate and loneliness. While it was written more than six years before the release of Fight Club, the song A Drug Against War by the industrial band KMFDM relates the idea of behavioral addiction by stating, â€Å"No need for needles, no injection, this substance substitutes, love and affection,† (Konietzko et al). While this song pertains to war, its’ statements echo the cause behind Jack’s addiction. Indubitably this film is a portrayal of the character Jack’s descent into addiction. Behavioral addiction afflicts everyone but the depth is dependent on a lack of affection in the formative years of one’s life. Behavioral addictions occur when one uses a dysfunctional behavior to mask the pain in their lives and this is precisely what Jack does in this film. Freebasing on fight club Essay -- Film Review, Fincher According to psychotherapist Isaac Marks, behavioral addictions involve, â€Å"routines of dysfunctional and purposeful behavior,† (10.4: 28). All humans engage in some form of addictive activities whether it gambling, eating disorders, hyper-sexuality, or even nervous tics. The severity of such addictions is founded in Freudian ideals of parenting and early childhood development. Addictions, whether chemical or behavioral, can consume one’s life when left unchecked. The cycle of addiction begins at first exposure and continues through until the addict dies or is rehabilitated. The film Fight Club, directed by David Fincher, is a representation of the cycle of addiction. Jack begins his cycle of addiction by trying to fill a void in his life. The world Jack lives in as well as the life he has created has no value or purpose. Jack works as a recall coordinator and his life is reduced to trips across the country to evaluate the cost benefit ratio of recalling malfunctioning cars while living out of suitcases. When at home Jack fills his prefabricated apartment with worthless mass produced IKEA furniture. Additionally, Jack suffers from insomnia and states that his lack of sleep makes him feel like â€Å"a copy of a copy of a copy,† (Fincher 1999). The sum of these emotions culminates in Jack feeling that his life is missing something. Psychotherapist Jason Ward writes in the Healthcare Counseling & Psychotherapy Journal that â€Å"the main features of addiction are obsession and compulsion, focused around an object or behaviour which, it is believed, will somehow bring transformation of the person's inner world,† (10.4: 25). Addict s are looking for something to make them feel whole, secure, or safe and Jack is no exception (10.4: 26).... ...hands is metaphoric of Jack tearing down the impediments of his addiction and thus the destruction of his self-hate and loneliness. While it was written more than six years before the release of Fight Club, the song A Drug Against War by the industrial band KMFDM relates the idea of behavioral addiction by stating, â€Å"No need for needles, no injection, this substance substitutes, love and affection,† (Konietzko et al). While this song pertains to war, its’ statements echo the cause behind Jack’s addiction. Indubitably this film is a portrayal of the character Jack’s descent into addiction. Behavioral addiction afflicts everyone but the depth is dependent on a lack of affection in the formative years of one’s life. Behavioral addictions occur when one uses a dysfunctional behavior to mask the pain in their lives and this is precisely what Jack does in this film.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay --

Aaron Lee Period 2 AP Literature and Composition Question 3 Essay â€Å"Remember; remember the Fifth of November the Gunpowder Treason and plot. I know of no reason why the Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgot.† This quote from the novel V for Vendetta is based a dystopian story based in London, and the author wants the readers to know that there is an issue that needs to be fixed or else it will end the world in turmoil. Yet another writer who successfully wrote a dystopian novel to warn humanity of is George Orwell, in his book 1984. Orwell warns his readers of the dangers of totalitarianism and that if we allow the government to interfere and take over our lives we will live in a dystopian; where people cannot think for themselves. The dystopian world that Orwell creates through imagery, irony and satire, warns that totalitarianism may soon exist in the United States. Orwell’s dystopian world in 1984 shows the possibility of a terrifying future of the real world if it succumbs to totalitarianism. 1984 was written during the Cold War, a time of major tension and crisis between two super powers, the United States and the Soviet Union, and the setting from 1984 displayed that the threat was real. The book was written to show that the government could take control of our lives and become like Big Brother; who always follows your every moves, controls every action, and brainwashes you that the Big Brother is good. George Orwell was warning against the actions the government was taking during the early Cold War Era. The imagery Orwell uses is clear when he describes Oceania under a totalitarian regime,† the elevator is broken and always has been, there aren’t any colors in the city, it is an unpleasant world to live ... ...people, further Orwell is warning us of this lie. Maybe Orwell wants us to be vigilant and possibly question our departments of our government? Further Orwell uses irony and satire in 1984 is â€Å"Nothing is your own except the few cubic centimetres inside your skull.† Here Orwell uses satire to emphasize and exaggerate that under a totalitarian government people own nothing and can’t do anything at their own will, no one can think for themselves because it’s a crime. Through 1984, Orwell warns his readers and audience of the possible totalitarianism that may evolve into the government like the dystopian world, Oceania. Through his use of imagery, irony, and satire, George Orwell successfully demonstrates his fear of a world under a totalitarian government and warns his readers through his rhetorical techniques that it may soon occur in the United States.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Pancreas :: essays research papers fc

The pancreas is located in the middle of the abdomen. It’s surrounded by the stomach, small intestine, liver and spleen. It’s about six inches long and shaped like a thin pear, wide at one end. It has three sections: wider right end is the head, the middle is the body and the left end is the tail.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The pancreas has two functions; to make enzymes that help digest fats and proteins and the other, to produce insulin that controls the blood sugar level called glucose. It consists of Islet cells (1 of 3 types), which are endocrine glands. This means the Islet cells secret the insulin directly into the blood stream. The pancreas contains many more of these Islet cells than the body needs to maintain a normal insulin level. Even when half of the pancreas is removed, the blood sugar level can still remain normal. The pancreas is also made up of exocrine glands, which produce enzymes for digestion.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When the blood sugar levels aren’t normal, it’s a disease called diabetes. Diabetes (diabetes mellitus) is a deficiency of the hormone insulin or the inhibition of its action with the cells. The insulin acts like a bridge between the glucose and the cells. In the US there are about 16 million people who suffer from diabetes. It is the seventh most common cause of all deaths. Diabetes is most common in Native American females over 45 years of age.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are two main types of diabetes. The firsts is insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). In IDDM the body either doesn’t produce diabetes or produces very small amounts. The symptoms usually occur in teenagers under 20, usually around puberty. Untreated IDDM affects the metabolism of fat. Since the body can’t convert glucose into energy, it is broken down into fat and stored for energy. This also increases the amounts of ketone bodies in the blood, which interfere with respiration. The second type is called is non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). This is when the body doesn’t make enough insulin or is unable to use it. NIDDM is the most common of all diabetes; it makes up 90 to 95 percent of all cases. Scientists believe that in some people weight gain or obesity is what triggers their diabetes because 80 percent of people with diabetes are over weight.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another problem people have with the pancreas is pancreatic cancer. Each year about 29,000 Americans and 3,000 Canadians are diagnosed with it.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Hinduism and the Religion’s Worldviews Essay

Hinduism is not merely a religion, it is also a philosophy and the culture in India, and it has already been a marked part of their everyday living. So much so that everything aspect of their daily lives goes back to it; and it has 950 million followers to wit (mostly from India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Pakistan). Hinduism ranks third as the world’s largest religion after Christianity and Islam, and it is also said to be one of the world’s oldest organized religion along with Judaism (VandeWeghe, 2007). Hinduism and Christianity differ in many ways, and it is rational that there are disagreements and contradictions when two people from different religions involve themselves in a conversation regarding their beliefs. The purpose of this paper is to discover an effective way to build a pleasant relationship with a Hindu in order to be able to share the gospel with them. In order to accomplish this aim, this paper will discuss the origin, beliefs, practices and the views of Hinduism about Christianity and how they differ from the said religion. Hinduism: A Closer Look According to Robinson (2007), besides being called â€Å"Hinduism†, it is also referred to as Sanata Dharma (eternal religion) and Vaidika Dharma (religion of the Vedas). Hinduism has no specific founder and the day that it was born is still unknown; however, there are two theories regarding the origin of the religion. One is the Classical Theory which explains that Hinduism originated at the Indus Valley around 4000BCE to 2200BCE and that its development was due to various foreign invasions particularly of the Indo-Aryan for they are the ones who were said to have brought the religion of Vedism. The other is the Emerging Theory which went against the first theory by proving that there were no foreign invasions along the Indus Valley and that the Vedic religion (Hinduism at 1500BCE to 500BCE) was allowed to flourish by the same group of people who later called themselves Aryan. The Hindu scriptures as well as literatures, which are even older than the Bible’s Old Testament, are the sources of the religion’s beliefs and practices. The most sacred Hindu scriptures are the four Vedas (Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda) which consists of hymns, incantations, rituals and explanations – among which the Rig Veda (1700BCE to 1100BCE) is said to be the oldest. There are also the Upanishads which discussed â€Å"states of consciousness, dreams, meditations, self-realizations and unity†; the Darshanas which consists of six philosophical system and teachings derived from the Vedas; and lastly and the most recent, the Puranas which tells the stories of the most recent gods (Reid & Corduan, 2008). Hinduism also has the two great epics that show the virtues and ideals that are significant to the religion; the first is the Ramayana which is a tale about a prince named Rama and his wife, Sita, and the Mahabarata, a collection of poems which states the duties of a â€Å"religious, law-abiding man† (Mason, 2000). Not only is Hinduism one of the oldest and largest religions, it is also said to be the most complex one (McDowell, 2002). There are various beliefs in Hinduism and one of them is the very popular and highly criticized Caste System which is said to be the cause of inequality and harsh laws in India. There are four main castes; the Brahmin (priest-teachers), kshatriyas (soldier-nobles), vaishyas (merchants) and sudras (servants). In the early periods, it was supposed to be part of the divine order, however, as years passed by, subcastes were developed and there came the outcastes or the untouchables – people who do not belong to any of the four main castes (Perry, 1989). Associated with this system are other beliefs. The belief that each of them have dharma (duty), depending on which caste they were born into; they also believe in karma and samsara (reincarnation) – thus, they believe that if they do their duty properly, they will have good karma and will be reincarnated into a higher class. On the contrary, if they did not, they might be reincarnated to the lower class or even as an animal. Their goal is to achieve moksha (release), which is their concept of salvation. Here they would not be liberated from sin but to life existence itself for they believe that as long as they are in the maya (phenomenal world) suffering would never stop because of karma and samsara. Moksha can be attained in three ways, by â€Å"way of works†, â€Å"way of knowledge† and â€Å"way of devotion† (bhakti) which is the most popular one, in which a person will completely devote himself to a certain god and the latter will take care of everything in his behalf (Reid & Corduan, 2008). In early Hinduism, Jesus Christ has no particular role in the religion and is not even mentioned in their scriptures; however, due to the rise of Christianity, Hindu thinkers thought of a place where they could put Jesus Christ in their religion. According to Reid and Corduan (2008), since Hinduism is a polytheistic religion, the Hindus viewed Jesus Christ as one of the incarnations or avatars of Brahman who, like Rama and Krishna, is a â€Å"divine self-embodiment† in order to preserve Hindu teachings and another way was by saying that Jesus Christ spent his â€Å"silent years† in India to proclaim the teachings of Hinduism. Nevertheless, Hindus’ incorporation of Jesus Christ into their religion does not seem to fit properly. According to McDowell (2002), Hinduism is known to be tolerant towards other religions because of similarities with Hinduism. This is believed to be one of the characteristics of a polytheistic and henotheistic (believing in one god and regarding other gods and goddesses as just manifestations) religions. However, due to rise of a nationalistic political party which took hold of the India’s government, the separation of church and state collapsed and religious tolerance went down as well, increasing anti-Christian violence in the country (Robinson, 2007). Christianity and Hinduism has numerous differences and some of them are the following: Hinduism’s Supreme Being is the Brahman, an indefinable and impersonal deity, while Christianity has a loving, personal and caring Creator. Hinduism looks at man as a materialization of Brahman who has no value and self-worth at all, whereas, Christianity proclaims that man is created in the very image of God that deserves to love and be loved despite their sinful deeds. When it comes to sins, there are no sins that are committed against Brahman, things that were done wrong are taken as results of ignorance that can be redeemed by following the duty of a specific caste to which the person belongs to and the path going to salvation. On the other hand, wrongdoings that are done within Christianity is taken as acts of rebellion against God. Salvation in Hinduism is referred to as moksha and can be attained in three ways which cannot be accomplished in one lifetime, while salvation in the Christian sense is granted by God to those who deserve it after being separated from him. Lastly, even their view of the material world differ – for a Hindu, the material world is an extension of Brahman and just a transitory and secondary importance; on the contrary, Christians see the material world as an objective reality and a something total different from God (McDowell, 2002). However, despite these differences, it is said that Hindus accept Jesus, but not the Christian relgion. In fact, they even refer Christianity to â€Å"Churchianity. † According to Abhedananda (2002), Hindus can tell apart the religion of Jesus Christ from the religion of the Church for the reason that the true religion of Jesus Christ is a religion of the heart. Thus, it has no dogma and no theology, no rituals and ceremonies, and is not based from a book. From their perspective, the religion of the Church is based from a book, is full of creeds and rituals, and even has an organized way of preaching them. When it comes to the Gospels, they see it as full of inconsistencies and discrepancies, and one very doubtful area for the Hindus comes from their awareness that Jesus Christ did not have His own writings and that there are no precise and contemporary accounts of His life inside and outside of the Bible. In order to share the Gospels to the Hindus, Rev. Dharmaraj (2001), gave some advice to approach the Hindus and make them listen to the Gospels. He said that one should determine and understand what type of Hindu community one intends to visit, since there are different sects that belong to Hinduism. Next, he said that one should explain the concepts incorporated in the Gospels in order for them to understand the Gospels for they have their own understanding of God, salvation, sin, among others. Lastly, Christians should deal with the challenges of dogmatism, risks of syncretism and to focus on evangelism. In addition, according to Reid and Corduan (2008), a Christian should connect with the person rather with the person’s religion; Christians should approach them along with humanitarian efforts and outreach projects since Hinduism does not cater to such. Through a combination of these, Hindus have already felt the kind of loving relationships that pay no attention to the caste which have long been abolished but is still being practiced. The salvation of Christianity even reached them in a way, and it even made them accept Jesus Christ more as they felt that they have been freed from the dark aspects of Hinduism. The one who comes from above is above all. The one who is of the earth is earthly and speaks of earthly things. But the one who comes from heaven [is above all]. He testifies to what he has seen and heard, but no one accepts his testimony. Whoever does accept his testimony certifies that God is trustworthy. For the one whom God sent speaks the words of God. He does not ration his gift of the Spirit. The Father loves the Son and has given everything over to him. Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever disobeys the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains upon him. (John 3:31-36, NAB) In the given Gospel, in order for a Hindu to understand it, one should clarify that the God in the Gospel is the Creator and that His son is Jesus Christ, the Savior of mankind from sins. In addition, it will also be better to give a slight background of what the Gospel is about – say that at this point in the Gospel, the Savior have finally presented Himself in front of the people. The Hindu should also be informed that â€Å"eternal life† is referring to the promised salvation in a Christian context and that it can only be attained by believing in Jesus Christ. On the other hand, the Christian should also point out what â€Å"the wrath of God† means, so that the Hindu could have insights as to the consequences of not obeying their God. And since this pertains to the concept of Hell, it should be also explained again in totality for Hindus do not have this concept in their belief system. Hinduism is a large complex religion that is older than Christianity. If one would be able to understand the essentials of this religion, it would be easy to reach out to the Hindus and make them listen to the Gospel. Christians have their views about Hinduism and Hindus likewise have their own views about Christianity. While they criticize and contradict each other about most of the aspects of their beliefs, setting them aside for awhile in order to learn about one another’s religion makes it possible to establish not just communication but also an open, two-way relationship. To share a Gospel to Hindus, proper understanding of Hinduism is required along with the use of an effective interpersonal approach. References Mason, C. (2000). A short history of Asia – Stone Age to 2000AD. London: Palgrave Macmillan Perry, M. (1989). A history of the world.Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Holy Bible: the new American Bible. (1987). Nashville: Thomas Nelson Abhedananda, S. (2002). Why a Hindu accepts Christ and rejects Churchianity. Retrieved March 31, 2008 from Hinduism website: http://www. hinduism. co. za/jesus. htm Dharmahal, P. (1992). Communicating Christ to the Hindu world. Retrieved April 1, 2008 from Mission Frontiers website: http://www. missionfrontiers. org/1992/0912/sd9211. htm McDowell, J. (2002). A ready defense. Retrieved March 31, 2008 from Jesus Who website: http://www. greatcom. org/resources/areadydefense/ch24/default. htm Reid, P. & Corduan, W. (2008). About Hinduism. Retrieved March 31, 2008 from Christian Answers Network website: http://christiananswers. net/evangelism/beliefs/hinduism. html Robinson, B. A. (2007). Hinduism: the world’s third largest religion. Retrieved March 31, 2008 from Religious Tolerance website: http://www. religioustolerance. org/hinduism. htm VandeWeghe, R. (2007). Prepared to answer. Retrieved March 31, 2008 from Windmill Ministries website: http://www. windmillministries. org/frames/CH30A. htm

Walt Disney World Co. vs Aloysia Wood

515 So. 2d 198 (1987) WALT DISNEY WORLD CO. , et al. , Petitioners, v. Aloysia WOOD, et al. , Respondents. Supreme Court of Florida. (with professor edits) Aloysia Wood was injured in November 1971 at the grand prix attraction at Walt Disney World (Disney), when her fiance, Daniel Wood, rammed from the rear the vehicle which she was driving. Aloysia Wood filed suit against Disney, and Disney sought contribution from Daniel Wood After trial, the jury returned a verdict finding Aloysia Wood 14% at fault, Daniel Wood 85% at fault, and Disney 1% at fault.The jury assessed Wood's damages at $75,000. The court entered judgment against Disney for 86% of the damages. Disney subsequently moved to alter the judgment to reflect the jury's finding that Disney was only 1% at fault. The court denied the motion. On appeal, the fourth district affirmed the judgment **** In Hoffman v. Jones, 280 So. 2d 431 (Fla. 1973), this Court discarded the rule of contributory negligence, which Florida had follow ed since at least 1886, and adopted the pure comparative negligence standard. *** In adopting comparative negligence, this Court expressly declared two purposes for the change in judicial policy: (1) To allow a jury to apportion fault as it sees fit between negligent parties whose negligence was part of the legal and proximate cause of any loss or injury; and (2) To apportion the total damages resulting from the loss or injury according to the proportionate fault of each party. ***** The real issue before us is whether we should now replace the doctrine of joint and several liability with one in which the liability of codefendants to the plaintiff is apportioned according to each defendant's respective fault.According to Disney, this Court in Hoffman set for itself the goal of creating a tort system that fairly and equitably allocated damages according to the degrees of fault. Therefore, a defendant should only be held responsible to the extent of his fault in the same way as a plai ntiff under comparative negligence. Joint and several liability is a judicially created doctrine. Louisville ; N. R. R. v. Allen, 67 Fla. 257, 65 So. 8 (1914). This Court may alter a rule of law where great social upheaval dictates its necessity. Hoffman, 280 So. 2d 435. The â€Å"social pheaval† which is said to have occurred here is the fundamental alteration of Florida tort law encompassed by the adoption of comparative negligence. Following the adoption of comparative negligence, some states have passed laws eliminating joint and several liability, and the courts of several others have judicially abolished the doctrine. E. g. , Brown v. Keill, 224 Kan. 195, 580 P. 2d 867 (1978); Bartlett v. New Mexico Welding Supply, Inc. , 98 N. M. 152, 646 P. 2d 579 (Ct. App. ), cert. denied, 98 N. M. 336, 648 P. 2d 794 (1982); Laubach v. Morgan, 588 P. 2d 1071 (Okla. 1978). The Kansas Supreme Court in Brown v.Keill reasoned: There is nothing inherently fair about a defendant who is 10% at fault paying 100% of the loss, and there is no social policy that should compel defendants to pay more than their fair share of the loss. Plaintiffs now take the parties as they find them. If one of the parties at fault happens to be a spouse or a governmental agency and if by reason of some competing social policy the plaintiff cannot receive payment for his injuries from the spouse or agency, there is no compelling social policy which requires the codefendant to pay more than his fair share of the loss.The same is true if one of the defendants is wealthy and the other is not. Brown, 224 Kan. at 203, 580 P. 2d at 874. On the other hand, the majority of courts which have faced the issue in jurisdictions with comparative negligence have ruled that joint and several liability should be retained. E. g. , Arctic Structures, Inc. v. Wedmore, 605 P. 2d 426 (Alaska 1979); American Motorcycle Ass'n v. Superior Court, 20 Cal. 3d 578, 578 P. 2d 899, 146 Cal. Rptr. 182 (1978); Tucker v. Un ion Oil Co. , 100 Idaho 590, 603 P. 2d 156 (1979); Coney v. J. L. G. Industries, Inc. 97 Ill. 2d 104, 73 Ill. Dec. 337, 454 N. E. 2d 197 (1983); Kirby Bldg. Sys. v. Mineral Explorations, 704 P. 2d 1266 (Wyo. 1985). The Illinois Supreme Court in Coney v. J. L. G. Industries, Inc. gave four reasons justifying the retention of joint and several liability: (1) The feasibility of apportioning fault on a comparative basis does not render an indivisible injury â€Å"divisible† for purposes of the joint and several liability rule. A concurrent tortfeasor is liable for the whole of an indivisible injury when his negligence is a proximate cause of that damage.In many instances, the negligence of a concurrent tortfeasor may be sufficient by itself to cause the entire loss. The mere fact that it may be possible to assign some percentage figure to the relative culpability of one negligent defendant as compared to another does not in any way suggest that each defendant's negligence is not a proximate cause of the entire indivisible injury. (2) In those instances where the plaintiff is not guilty of negligence, he would be forced to bear a portion of the loss should one of the tortfeasors prove financially unable to satisfy his share of the damages. 3) Even in cases where a plaintiff is partially at fault, his culpability is not equivalent to that of a defendant. The plaintiff's negligence relates only to a lack of due care for his own safety while the defendant's negligence relates to a lack of due care for the safety of others; the latter is tortious, but the former is not. (4) Elimination of joint and several liability would work a serious and unwarranted deleterious effect on the ability of an injured plaintiff to obtain adequate compensation for his injuries. Coney, 97 Ill. 2d at 121-22, 73 Ill.Dec. at 345, 454 N. E. 2d at 205 (citations omitted). ***** While recognizing the logic in Disney's position, we cannot say with certainty that joint and several liability is an unjust doctrine or that it should necessarily be eliminated upon the adoption of comparative negligence. In view of the public policy considerations bearing on the issue, this Court believes that the viability of the doctrine is a matter which should best be decided by the legislature. Consequently, we approve the decision of the district court of appeal. It is so ordered.